Today, I wanted to try and get an oyster card. Basically, to travel on the underground, you can either pay for a paper ticket, or you can use an oyster card which allows you to pay which money you have stored on the card. For some reason, the charges on oyster cars are ridiculously cheaper than paper tickets. You can also use an oyster card to store monthly passes, which I also want to do, especially since they have student discounts for those. So that was my main goal today.
I eventually found out that student discounted passes are only available at the University you attend. However, I only found this out after running around town. In the process of trying to find the right office who deals with this stuff, I went to the University of the Arts Student Union. I didn't spend a whole lot of time there, but it was still interesting. There was a gallery space, bar, snack shop, general lounge space. Basically, a lot of things risd lacks. I didn't even walk through the whole thing, but I plan to go back there when I don't feel like such a visitor. There was a student services office, that had a "JobShop" center inside. I didn't go in, but it just sounded funny. They told me to go to my specific school to get an oyster card.
So I headed off to Chelsea. The school isn't actually in Chelsea. It's just about 5 long blocks south of Parliament. The group of buildings it encompasses is really nice looking. I found another little snack shop and an information desk with a guard, but no offices or anything. I asked about the international office, since that is literally the only one I know that exists because the woman I have communicated with works in that office. Turns out, I was supposed to get an international student information packet, which would have explained to me how to apply for an oyster card amongst other things. They were out of said packets, but the woman told me that I should just come to orientation and all my questions would be answered there. When I asked her where and when orientation was, she looked at me like I was crazy. What? Didn't you get an e-mail about orientation? Nope.
So, good thing I hunted these people down because I was missing a whole lot of information. The only downside is that I have absolutely nothing to do until September 22nd, which I just found out is orientation day. Hopefully then, I'll be filled in on what classes I'm taking and how to get an oyster card.
So, for now, I am just trying to adjust for the time difference, get rid of my cold, and not die of boredom. Tomorrow, I'll do some really touristy things and maybe go and see this Cy Twombly exhibit that is closing in a few days at the Tate Modern.
Also, I just found out about an hour ago that Saera, the other risd girl who is doing a semester abroad here in London, couldn't fly yesterday. Basically, the UK visa office screwed up her application appointment, and pushed it back a month so her passport has not been returned to her. I really hope the whole thing gets solved soon, because this place is lonely with no friends.