Friday, October 24, 2008

Wishful Thinking

Saera and I had a brilliant plan. Since London gets crowded on the weekend, we took today off to do weekend-ish stuff planning to go into studio tomorrow.

Well, that was our plan yesterday. However, we both ended up sleeping in half the day! We were going to go to the National Portrait Gallery to see this new Annie Leibovitz exhibit. Saera didn't feel up to it, so I headed off for Trafalgar Square. I got all the way to the front door before I realized that I was at the National Gallery, not the National Portrait Gallery. Admitting defeat, I just decided to look around a bit and ended up reading for a while. I got a copy of Pride and Prejudice from a charity shop a few days ago, and so I really like reading it in museums where I can go to a room with a comfy chair that is surrounded by art from the appropriate period. I stayed until close to closing time, but really didn't explore the museum too much. Only after I got back to flat did I discover that the National Portrait Gallery is behind the National Gallery. Won't be forgetting that soon. Oh well, some other time.

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